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Yoga For Sinus : Cause, Benefits & Tips To Get Rid Of It

Sinusitis, a common health condition during winters and monsoon, usually arises from allergies, infection, or inflammation due to the suspended particles in the air. It occurs when the foreign particles enter our nasal passage and inflame the cavities surrounding it. Allergies or cold can trigger acute sinusitis, which usually resolves on its own. Chronic sinusitis, on the other hand, arises due to infection and can last up to eight weeks. Some of the most common symptoms of sinus infection include facial pain, stuffy nose, nasal congestion, fatigue, thick nasal discharge, etc. It can also cause cough, fever, headache, sore throat, etc.

While acute sinusitis doesn’t usually require medications other than pain killers, chronic sinusitis might require antibiotic medications. Apart from medicines, yoga for Sinusitis everyday can also provide relief. Breathing exercises in some yoga asanas open the nasal passage and provide comfort.

Benefits of Yoga for Sinusitis

Although practicing daily yoga offers numerous physical, spiritual, and mental advantages, its benefits for sinusitis include

1. Stress Relief

stress relief
  • Controlled breathing is the centerpiece of yoga practice.
  • As you increase the oxygen flow, it repairs damaged cells and decreases inflammation.
  • Similarly, slow breathing increases the blood flow in your vital organs.
  • Yoga helps in limiting fluctuations of your mind. As you meditate, mental loops of anger, desire, frustration, etc. slow down, which liberates your mind.
  • Relaxing in the therapeutic yoga asanas balances your nervous system and soothes it.
  • Restorative yoga poses help you sleep better and relieve physical and mental exertion.

2. Headache Relief

headache relief
  • One of the most common complaints with sinusitis is the occurrence of headaches. Yoga has proven to be effective in reducing sinus headaches.
  • Combining yoga with medications reduces the intensity and frequency of headaches.
  • By clearing the blockages, yoga increases the blood flow in your brain. As it brings down the stress, it provides relief from headaches as well.
  • The increased blood circulation also alleviates tension and reduces throbbing sensations.

3. Improve Focus

improve focus
  • Focusing on the present is the integral philosophy of yoga.
  • The holistic pain management aspects of yoga check distraction. The less distracted you are, the more you live in the present.
  • As you visualize breathing, it takes the pressure off your brain and allows you to concentrate.
  • Practicing yoga every day helps you coordinate better, improves your reaction time, and boosts memory.
  • As yoga builds your mental focus, it shortens your response time and makes you more attentive in your daily chores.

Yoga Asanas for Sinus Infection Relief

Below are the yoga asanas for sinus infection that you can do daily to get relief from the nasal congestion.

1. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

This bridge pose is a back-bending yoga pose that stretches your chest, spine, neck, and hips to improve blood circulation. It provides relief from depression, anxiety, headache, stress, etc. by calming your brain and nervous system.

Step-by-step Guide

  • Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Maintain a distance of hip-width to keep your legs apart.
  • Press your heels down into the floor.
  • Lift your back off the floor and touch your chest with the chin as you support the weight with your feet, arms, and shoulders.
  • Place your hands under the hips and interlace the fingers.
  • Maintain the posture for 1-2 minutes.
  • Release the fingers and slowly lower the tailbone back down


Bridge pose is yoga for sinus pressure where it releases out the sinus pressure. It stretches the chest and opens the throat easing the passage for the nasal. Performing this pose regularly for at least 2 to 3 months will provide the desired result.

2. Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

downward facing dog pose adho mukha svanasana

It is the poster pose for yoga and one of the most traditional poses for beginners. A part of the Sun-Salutation (Suryanamaskar) sequence, Adho Mukha Savasana yoga pose is a preferred transitional and resting pose.

Step-by-step Guide

  • Start the pose by coming to your hands and knees.
  • Place your wrists under the shoulders and your knees under the hips.
  • Lift your hips and stretch your legs by pushing through your hands on the floor.
  • Broaden your collarbones by rotating your upper arms outwards.
  • With your head hanging, shift your shoulder blades towards your hips, away from your ears.
  • Move the weight of your body from your arms to your quadriceps by engaging them for a resting pose.
  • At this pose, ensure that the distance between your feet and hands is the same as the Plank Pose.
  • Keeping your tail high, rotate your thighs and place your heels towards the floor. However, do not step your feet toward the hands to touch the floor with your heels.
  • Bend your knees as you exhale, release, and come back to your hands and knees.


The downward-facing dog pose is an inverted pose. It is effective for patients with chronic sinus problems. It clears the nasal congestion easing breathing and removing excess pressure from the head.

3. Plow Pose (Halasana)

Halasana pose provides relief from backaches and headaches by increasing blood circulation.


  • Start by standing upside down on your shoulders.
  • Move your feet above your head as you try to touch the floor. If you cannot reach the floor with your feet, you can use a stool or a pillow.
  • You can put your hands on your lower back for added support.
  • Maintain this posture for about 2-3 minutes as long as you are comfortable.
  • For releasing the pose, roll down your spine back and lift your legs, forming a right angle.
  • Finally, bring down your legs to lie on your back on the floor.


The thyroid hormone takes care of metabolism, body development, and growth. To regulate the function, the absence of bacteria is necessary. Performing the plow pose prevents any infection in the sinus easing the thyroid’s function.

4. Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

Reclining Hero Yoga Pose

It is the perfect and intensive pose for people suffering from tight thighs. 

Step-by-step Guide

  • Begin by sitting down in the Hero Pose. Keep your upper body straight and bend your legs back at the knees. At this pose, your feet must be on either side of the upper thighs.
  • Keep your hands down on the floor near your hips and move your hands back while leaning your torso backward.
  • Come down on your forearms by bending your elbows.
  • Ensuring that your knees are close together, continue releasing your back toward the floor till you are comfortable on the forearms.
  • Maintain this reclining pose for 2-3 minutes.
  • To come out from this pose, raise your body on your forearms, followed by pressing your hands to sit completely.


The reclining hero pose is said to be therapeutic for people suffering from sinusitis. While performing the asana it opens up the chest and rib cage. As a result, it aids in easing the breathing problem due to congestion Reclining the hero pose alleviates the sinus pressure.

5. Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana)

Forming a part of the Sun Salutation (Suryanamaskar) sequence, Uttanasana is the perfect pose for increasing the flexibility of your body at the beginning and ending of your exercise.

Step-by-step Guide

  • Begin by standing straight with your hands raised, sweep your arms down to form a forward fold from your hips.
  • Stretch as long as you can and try to touch the floor or your toes with your fingertips. Slightly bend your knees to ensure that they do not lock.
  • Draw your quadriceps muscles by engaging them to open your hamstrings.
  • Shift your weight forward on your feet to keep your hips over ankles.
  • Maintain this pose for 2-3 minutes. Release by inhaling and placing your hands on hips. Pull your abdominal muscles and press your tailbone while rising slowly.


One of the causes of the sinus is stress and fatigue. Standing forward bend pose relieves stress and fatigue and brings energy and alertness to the body. It soothes the brain and reduces headaches. Resulting to lower the chances of sinusitis

6. Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana)

seated forward bend pose paschimottanasana

This pose helps in relieving headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and promotes weight loss.

Step-by-step Guide

  • Sit straight on the floor/ mat and extend your legs.
  • Pull your toes back towards your shins.
  • Sitting straight on your sit bones, stretch your spine.
  • Hinge on your hips and bend forward and try to touch your feet with your hands.
  • Tuck your chin into your chest and fold your torso between your legs.
  • Maintain the pose for up to 3 minutes until you are comfortable.


The stretch of the spine brings vitality to the body. The chest and rib cage are unblocked from varied infections. By performing this asana regularly, it makes a safe passage for mucus if any, in the body to surpass.

7. Supported Headstand Pose (Salamba Sirsasana)

One of the most difficult poses to master, the supported headstand is a power yoga pose to strengthen your entire body.

Step-by-step Guide

  • Cushion your head with a soft blanket or mat. Kneel and put your forearms on the floor.
  • Keeping your elbows shoulder-width apart, interlace your fingers to form a cup with your palms.
  • Move your knees towards your head as you keep the back of your head on the cupped palms. Ensure that the crown of your head rests on the blanket.
  • Check the alignment of your entire body. Inhale and pull your toes to raise the knees. Be careful as your body’s weight falls on your shoulders and neck.
  • Exhale as you lift both feet from the floor till they are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Keeping your knees straight, turn your upper thighs slightly as you press the heels toward the ceiling.
  • Balance your weight on your forearms and continue to lift your tailbones.
  • Maintain the pose for about 10 seconds initially and add 5 seconds gradually every day.
  • To release, exhale and come down with both feet touching the floor simultaneously.


  • Strengthens your arms, legs, shoulders, and back
  • Calms your brain and relieves from stress and headache
  • Helps in reducing sinusitis, asthma, and insomnia

8. Head to Knee Forward Bend Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

head to knee forward bend pose janu sirsasana

By stretching your shoulders, groin, legs, and spine, this yoga pose soothes your brain, reduces blood pressure, and improves digestion.

Step-by-step Guide

  • Stretch out your right leg in front and put your left foot between your groin and your right leg.
  • Sit straight and inhale while you press your left hand into your thigh’s crease. Rest your right hand into the ground.
  • Stretch your spine and roll your torso so that your right thigh aligns with your bellybutton.
  • Fold forward from your groin as you exhale and try to hold your foot firmly. While bending, if you cannot touch your foot with your hands, you can use a towel around your foot.
  • Keeping your neck and spine straight, move your spine circularly forward over your right leg.
  • Continue stretching as long as you are comfortable and maintain this posture.
  • Inhale as you stretch your spine and exhale to relax forward.
  • Repeat this exercise by switching legs on the other side.


  • Relieves headaches, fatigue, and anxiety
  • Soothes brain and improves digestion
  • Therapeutic for insomnia and sinusitis

These were some yoga asanas that could help to get relief in sinus infection. Everyday yoga practice can definitely make a difference in health.

Pranayama for Blocked Nose

Pranayama is an age-old tradition that has been practised from deities to saints to the common man. We are all aware of its benefits. The below-listed Pranayama will help to fade the congested nose.

1. Anulom vilom Pranayama

It is the best pranayama for a blocked nose. Sit straight and pose your right hand with a mudra by bending the tall man’s finger and index fingers towards the palm and other fingers stretched outer side. Keep your left hand on the left kneecap in a resting position. Take the right hand towards the nose tip and close the right nostril with the right thumb. Take a deep breath from the left nostril till four counts. Close the left nostril with ring and little fingers and remove the thumb from the right nostril to exhale for up to eight counts.


It clears out blocked noses and improves lung capacity.

2. Kapalbhati

Sit straight. Place both hands on the knees with palms towards the ceiling. Bring focus on the belly and take deep breaths until it expands the stomach. Now exhale by contracting abdominal muscles. Pull navel towards the spine to exhale. Follow it after your release and repeat.


It cleanses the nasal passageway supplying oxygen-rich blood to the brain. It cleanses the throat and lungs.

How to get rid of a sinus infection fast?

Irritation in the nose is the worst nightmare. Those suffering from sinuses look for quicker and more effective remedies. The below list of remedies help get rid of a sinus infection fast.

1. Nasal Irrigation

nasal irrigation to get rid of sinus

Nasal irrigation is a hygiene practice to flush the mucus and debris from the nose and sinuses. Those with sinus problems use saline nasal spray or nebulizers to humidify mucous membranes. Nasal irrigation can be done using sterile salt and water solution. This process unblocks the nasal passage and clears the blockage. The discomfort due to mucus and bacteria is relieved. Products like bulb syringe, Waterpik oral irrigator, squeeze bottle, or neti pot.

2. Inhale Some Steam

Inhaling steam is a traditional old way of unblocking the nasal passage. All that one has to do is fill one portion of water in a pot to a boil. After removing it from the flame, cover the head with a large drape and inhale the steam. The idea is to inhale the steam to enter the nose and throat. By inhaling steam, it allows you to do normal breathing.

3. Take Vitamin C

take vitamin c to overcome sinus

Taking in Vitamin C acts as an anti-oxidant. It speeds up the immune system and healing from ailments. Respiratory congestion caused by allergens can take time to subside. Having fresh fruits and vegetables with vitamin C like oranges, lemons, blueberries, artichokes, oranges, and strawberries. Alternatively, a 100mg vitamin C capsule is also good to open the nasal passage. Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that reduces histamine levels too.

4. Eat Some Spice

Spices relieve congestion and improve blood circulation. Spices like onion, tomato, garlic, and ginger act like antibacterial foods that fight the virus. Spicy chillies, peppers, and other spices break down the mucus. They act as natural decongestants. They have antiviral properties to make the nasal a congestion-free passage. Compounds like Capsaicin are found abundant in chillies, making them release heat in the body and remove the blocked mucus thereof. It eases sinus pain and inflammation if any.

5. Drink A Lot Of Water

drink water to fight with sinus

Getting dehydrated worsens the situation of a person suffering from a sinus infection. It is, therefore, necessary to keep oneself hydrated and drink adequate water. Water aids in thinning the mucus of the body. It becomes easy for the blocked mucus to blow through the nose and clear the nasal channel. It must be strictly water, not cold but room temperature. There is no scope for coffee, tea, alcohol, juice, or soda.

6. Inhale Menthol And Camphor

Often menthol and camphor are used to open nasal channels. They come in ointment forms that aid treats congested noses. A combination of eucalyptus oil, menthol, and camphor, making it a rock-solid scent to sniff in and relieve sinus pressure. Eucalyptus’ strong odour gives immediate relief from sinus issues. The cineole ingredient in the oil makes it easier for sinus-infected people to breathe. Eucalyptus oil can be used as a diffuser or rubbed on the forehead and chest to ease breathing.

7. Take Quercetin

Quercetin taken thrice a day in a 400- 500 mg dosage works as a remedy for treating sinusitis. It stabilizes the cells in the body and alleviates several symptoms of allergy by inhibiting the production of histamine. It is histamine production that stimulates mucus secretion.

Bottom Line

How to get rid of a sinus infection fast is answered as above. If the problem persists, it is advised to visit the doctor and consult him. Let’s make yoga an essential ingredient of life like food, clothing, and shelter. The benefits of yoga are innumerable, and to eradicate diseases, it works wonders.

For more updates on yoga and other details, stay tuned to this page. Stay fit and healthy, there cannot be a better wealth than this!


  • What can make sinusitis worse?

Problems with sinus worsen with perfumes, allergens, smoke, pollutants, and cigarettes. The dry climate makes it worse too. People staying in a dry climate must have a humidifier to keep the air moist. Intake of insufficient amount of water worsens the sinus level. Water consumption should be good.

  • What should be avoided in the sinus?

Sinus means getting infected by germs and swelling of the hollow space and tissue lining of the nasal passage. It is due to chronic allergies. To avoid sinus, food items like yoghurt, bananas, cold drinks, sodas, desserts, and ice-creams will cause inflammation and increase the allergy level.

  • Can Ayurveda cure sinus?

Yes, Ayurveda can cure the sinus. It uses different processes of body detoxification and purification to remove sinus infections from the body. Panchakarma treatments like Nasya and Swedana help to treat the sinus. Inhalation of camphor and menthol is a remedy of Ayurveda.

“@context”: “https://schema.org”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [{
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What can make sinusitis worse?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Problems with sinus worsen with perfumes, allergens, smoke, pollutants, and cigarettes. The dry climate makes it worse too. People staying in a dry climate must have a humidifier to keep the air moist. Intake of insufficient amount of water worsens the sinus level. Water consumption should be good.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What should be avoided in the sinus?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Sinus means getting infected by germs and swelling of the hollow space and tissue lining of the nasal passage. It is due to chronic allergies. To avoid sinus, food items like yoghurt, bananas, cold drinks, sodas, desserts, and ice-creams will cause inflammation and increase the allergy level.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “Can Ayurveda cure sinus?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Yes, Ayurveda can cure the sinus. It uses different processes of body detoxification and purification to remove sinus infections from the body. Panchakarma treatments like Nasya and Swedana help to treat the sinus. Inhalation of camphor and menthol is a remedy of Ayurveda.”

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