HomeYoga & TechnologyYoga Instructor Career Guide

Yoga Instructor Career Guide

yoga instructor 3Yoga is playing very important role in our day to day life. Yoga builds our internal strength which makes our body fit without any medical treatment. It is an ancient treatment therapy for all kinds of diseases. Yoga is a systematic and integrative method to make human body active physically as well as mentally. Physically Yoga method reckons various postures called as “asanas” and at the mental level Yoga techniques include meditation and breathing exercises. With meditation, person can control their mind and feel stressed out from all the life’s complexities. Yoga helps to make an effective balance of physical, mental and spiritual health. Yogic exercises recharge your internal power and provide immense benefits like:

  • Obtain perfect equilibrium of the body
  • Self- healing and self awareness
  • Reduces negativity of the mind
  • Increases internal power
  • Enhances concentration power

Yoga activates your parasympathetic nervous system that helps in reducing negative toxins i.e. tension and stress from your mind as well as in your body. Regular practice of Yoga makes you energetic throughout a day and enhances your normal energy level. It is a great way of refreshing your body, soul and mind. Regular practicing of yoga reduces the diseases which are related to the respiratory system. Yoga is a perfect medicine of all kind of physical as well as mental diseases. The most significant fact is that everyone can do Yoga whether you are a youngster, children or aged people. Yoga only aims to provide healthy mind with healthy body and make you fit for the rest of life.

Importance of Yoga Instructor:

yoga instructor 4In this stressful scenario, regular practicing of Yoga is an essential requirement to stay healthy and feels rejuvenated throughout a day. Regular and accurate practice of Yoga gives you the powers to control your body and mind but it must be under the guidance of Yoga Instructor. Lots of asanas in Yoga require specific technique of performing so expert guidance is quite necessary. While selecting any Yoga teacher or instructor, one needs to focus on those people who have good experience as well as background. To be a Yoga teacher, you must have to gain some experience and for this you can join any yoga classes or institutes. First give training to others and then you can start your own Yoga classes. It is not only a class; you are starting any business so you must be aware about all the pros and cons of this business. Before starting this business you must polish yourself and make yourself a capable enough to face all kinds of difficulties.

Advantages of Yoga Teacher

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1) Experience:

If you want to be an expert Yoga Teacher then you must have to be perfectionist and this perfection will only come with experience.  Start teaching yoga in other yoga institutes after months or years of practice you will be able to know about your strengths as well as your weaknesses for Yoga. With this experience you can also get new ideas about Yoga. Though it is an ancient practice but changes in Yoga is still continuing. You will also get to know that which kind of yoga is good for different kinds of people like Children, Aged people, pregnant women, adults, dancers and so on.

2) Earn Good Money:

Today the craze of Yoga is growing drastically and people are ready to pay good sum of money for learning yoga. If you are successful in making your goodwill in the market then you will get good number of students for yoga and your earnings will also increases. So it will be a good profession as you will earn so much from this business.

3) Keep Learning:

Learning Yoga is an ongoing process. As we know in Yoga changes are still continuing so once you started teaching yoga to others you must have to make yourself perfect in the field of yoga and learn all the yoga asans & poses etc.

4) Brand Name:

Your good and perfect guidance will make your Brand name. Once you get good response from your students and circles they will share your name in their circles so indirectly you attract more students. With the help of this word of mouth advertising you will become a brand.  People know you as a good yoga instructor and yoga classes.

5) Think like a Businessmen:

Teaching Yoga is a business so start thinking like businessmen. Your yoga classes are now famous so it’s right time to start thinking about building your other branches in different area. Make good Yoga classes chain.

Difficulties for Yoga Instructor:

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1) Cost Effective:

Starting Yoga will be cost effective business as you need big space and you also need to spend good amount of money in advertising for marketing as well. You also have to invest huge amount for collecting required resources. Establishing this business will be a big challenge for any businessmen.

2) Time Consuming:

Establishing this business will be very time consuming process. You will also have to be patient to wait for the students. You will not get benefits and brand name over the night. In fact it may take months to build your career as Yoga teacher.

3) Threat of Loosing Brand Name:

Your name and fame will got spoiled if you will not be consistent in your field. Earning good respect in the market take so many years but only one wrong incident will ruin all your respect and dignity. So proper consideration should be given in providing quality services so that you will receive good feedback to your followers.

4) Responsibilities:

Responsibilities are very tough in this business. You have to communication with your student, stay calm if anyone doing wrong yoga pose, continue focus on your students, make good timetable for them, give right information about yoga as well as balanced diet.

5) Lack of experience:

In this field only experienced people can receive recognition. If you don’t have any experience of teaching yoga to others than people will not come to your class. So before starting any Yoga class; first take experience of teaching yoga is must.

Things to Remember Before Starting Career as Yoga Instructor

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1) Build Brand Name:

First thing that must remember before starting your career with Yoga is building Brand name. Focus on your Brand name and share your ideas about Yoga in your circle.If you have visited our Interview with expert section, you will understand, how this helps them to promote their individual brands. Explore much on Yoga and try to distribute information to everyone. You can also write article about how you think about yoga and market your knowledge as much as you can. Start free yoga classes for couple of month as demo. You can also consult, digital marketing consultant who can guide you in promote your brand. At YogaCurious, we take helps from Mr. Jignesh Gohel, who is avid yoga lover and having great experience in digital marketing and developing web applications.

2) Build your Website:

Today website is a best way to convey your services among large number of people. Start your website and publish your ideas, videos, articles and books on your website so that people will get to know about you better. Market your classes via website is a best way to gain high traffic of people.

3) Give 100% Dedication:

Find out your strengths and weaknesses and make your marketing strategy accordingly. Focus on your uniqueness and spread it widely. Lots of gym and fitness center around you start filtering your students from them. Survey the market by going other yoga classes as a visitor instructor. Get in touch with your well wishers and followers. You can also give interviews to other blogs and website. Your 100% dedication will make you a leader of this field.

4) Find Opportunities:

Find out other opportunities or search for new target market from where you can get good benefit. Students like children, fat people, dancer who wants to start yoga, IT professionals who don’t have much time for gym & exercise, stressed people and many others, invite them for free classes as demo and give them an opportunity to judge your services so if they like then they can join you.

Book writing is another good idea to market yourself; there were thousands of book in the market so refer those books find some unique idea and write book. Make an effective circle of other Yoga teachers and build good relationship with them. You can also start selling your yoga products. You can’t start your own yoga classes just on your qualification base, you need some years of experience so spend time with some famous yoga instructors, attend yoga seminars, visit other yoga classes and give lessons and take experience.

Being a Yoga instructor is not a cup of tea for everyone; lots of hardships and responsibilities are involved in this business. Yoga is now becoming a part and parcel of healthy life so select your career as a Yoga teacher can be considered as a good idea. Every coin has two aspects; same with this Yoga Business. On the one hand we find that this is a growing business so it is a good career choice and on the other hand lots of difficulties that a Yoga instructor has to face but if we consider some important points before starting this business and deal effectively with involved difficulties then this will be a perfect career choice for sure.

Image Courtesy: https://www.flickr.com/photos/gotovan/


YogaCurious is a leading yoga, health and fitness portal sharing best products, deals and knowledge about health. You can find useful information about yoga asana, yoga products, yoga and life, meditation, human body at this place.


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